The following explanatory notes on digital accessibility apply to the website of the State of Hesse published at As a public body, in line with Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we strive to make our websites and mobile applications accessible according to the guidelines of the Hessian Disability Equality Act (HessBGG) and the Hessian Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (HVBIT). The following has been implemented on this site:
HTML5 structure (navigation, main contents, footer etc)
This website uses HTML5 for structuring content, which facilitates interpretation by soft- and hardware.
Heading Structure (H1 to H6)
Page content is structured using H1 to H6 level headings. These facilitate diagonal reading and ensure that relevant page sections are easier to find. Amongst other things, this improves navigation when reading with a screen reader.
Alt Text for Images
Alt text makes the content and function of images accessible for people with visual impairments as they can, for example, be read aloud by a screen reader.
This website uses aria-labels to make visual elements such as buttons accessible to people with disabilities. The labels can be read aloud by screen readers, for example, so that the user understands which element is involved.
Keyboard Navigation
This website supports keyboard navigation. Users can switch between pages using the return key and jump from one section to the next with the tab key.
Focus Links
This website uses focus styles for visual orientation. When navigating the site using a keyboard, it is always possible to see which link a user is currently on. The focus reacts in the same way as when the website visitor moves the mouse over the link.
Report an accessibility issue:
Please note that the data privacy generator exists only in German. For any queries, please contact us via email at and we will get in touch with you.
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